Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Crumbling Teeth
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Since 2009 ive lost nearly 5st.
I feel lighter, which could be the floating, but I know that if a eat crap I will binge and gain weight. That could be the falling.
I always dream of Silently screaming when I feel that I'm been ignored verbally.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
It could be a sign of hoping to be pregnant or wanting to be pregnant or scared of being pregnant.
It's also a sign that some aspect of your life is growing and developing.
I'd love to have a little girl but with the risk of passing on a potentially fatal chromosome disoder I figured it is for the best that we don't have more kids.
I already have 2 beautiful healthy boys who are my world.
In my case, I tend to dream about them when I feel physically or emotionally drained from continuous appointments and/or illness . This is portrayed from the vampires drinking my blood.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Me and my partner haven't been intamite for a while because I have massive body image issues.
I constantly feel like I look like shit and feel discusting because of how I have ruined my body from yo yo dieting.
I just dont get on with a lot of women and feel more comfortable talking to men because im far from a femanine character.
I get the feeling that craig needs to let off some steam and talk to somebody so that's the bench scenario.
They made my life shit from day one of me going their and I ended up trying to end my life on one occasion because no one would help me. Even the head teacher slammed the door on my face.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Stage Fright
The second part of the dream mentions about costumes fitting. This is a big self image confidence issue I have.
I have suffered with eating disorders in the past and I'm always scared I won't fit into my costumes or that I won't look as good as the other members of the cast.
The "falling on the artwork" is showing that I feel I'm failing at the artistic side of performing arts.
Seeing the sunny scenery, up the stairs, then falling by floating and landing on my feet is reassuring me that even if I fail at something I feel that I'm good at, I will land back on my feet or someone will be there to catch me, which is why I sat back in the wheelchair.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Overcoming the loss of my 2nd baby.
I never got answers, back then, as to why he died but I blamed myself for not counting his movements and for not knowing that my baby was suffering but also for not eating properly.
The pregnancy was tough and I had developed severe sickness through the pregnancy.
Because I was 22 stone at the time I was terrified of getting any bigger so I started starving myself whilst I was pregnant.
I ate enough to feed my baby the nutrients he needed and lost 3st.
I couldn't stop blaming myself though, for been so stupid.
They refused to scan me and if they had they would see that my baby's cord was wrapped around his neck in a 'true knot'
My world was falling apart and I went to sleep pleading for answers and that I was sorry.
Suddenly I felt relief.
I felt a sense of hope and smiled for the first time in months, knowing that my baby was in safe hands and no longer suffering.
Monday, 18 April 2016
"I was at a party which was invaded by a wolfs, then I was on a construction site and I got scratched by a werewolf. There were diggers digging up the ground. Craig* was on the way to hospital to visit Jenny* (his wife). I sat in the middle of the construction and someone in a black hoody put there arm around me and gave me a hug. We sat there for ages till they pulled out a needle to tranqualisr me. I managed to escape and started running at super speed which turned into flying at super speed. I started to land in a fielded area with rainbows and clouds an the path was above my head rather than on the floor. The people who surrounded me were heading somewhere so I followed them. I saw the others had caught up so we ran into a crowd. I started scratching random people to turn them into wolfs. This man started shooting people in the crowd humming and counting so I grabbed his gun bent it back and stupidly scratched him. I started carrying people to safty. As I looked back he was transforming into a massive alpha wolf. My pack all started to fly to safety and as we got back to land I noticed a bug eating my hand. I ripped it off to uncover a hole and I could see inside my hand. There looked like a spider or something with eyes was in there so I take my other hand and start to try digging it out, I was screaming my head off. Then I saw everyone screaming. Huge claws were beginning to come out of there hands and I looked at mine but they were not developing as quickly as the others although I could feel them trying to come out. The ground crumbled and I fell into the abyss below and then I awoke."
Ok so as you can see I watch too much tv 😄
But I think on this particular day of the dream I had been told off or in an argument and felt like I was been attacked.
This was portrayed by the violence and wanting to escape the situation.
The hug from the figure was me just needing comfort.
Hugs are a cure for everything, even science studies show a hug can lift your mood. 🤗
The fact that the nobhead tried to tranqualise me after comforting me makes me think that I was feeling attacked or betrayed by the ones closest to me or someone I care for.
Could have been multiple people, which is why I never saw the face of the hooded person.
Wolves in dreams can represent all that is wild and “uncivilised” about ourselves. This can be a scary thing to confront. What is wild is what our polite and safe day-to-day behaviour does not want to let out – what is wild can damage, hurt and upset. But what is wild can also free, excite and release. Wild can be untamed and bad mannered, but wild can also be pure and uncorrupted. Sometimes a wolf in a dream will be guiding us to find our true, authentic nature that we are afraid to reveal as we try to conform, but sometimes a wolf dream will be a warning that we are behaving too wildly, that we may be threatening something else that is important to us.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
*Please Note* dreams will be in italic text and names of people in my dreams have changed so that who I was dreaming about is confidential. Oh and a polite warning, please don't try and copy my dreams for your own.
Get your own dreams!!
"I'm 7 and ice skating on a frozen lake in front my crush. He is stood in the middle of the lake but isn't moving. As I skate upto him he suddenly drops through the ice and the Lake freezes over him.
I bang on the ice to free him but it was no use. He couldn't hear me."
Ok so even though my journals were destroyed, this was my first real memory of my dream as a child.
I wasn't a popular kid in primary school. I was one of those quiet fat kids that all the other kids were scared of incase I ate them.
I remember a lad there that was everyone's boyfriends (well everyone's except myself pfffffft) and this was him, in my dream.
I didn't no it then but after experiencing the same type of dream (Ice-skating) as i got older, I realised for me that ice skating in my dream was a sign of happiness.
In this particular dream though I think that even though I felt happy, gracefully skating around, I was wishing he would notice me and be my friend.
I think him falling into the lake was just wishful thinking for me because if he wasn't mine he wasn't anybodys 👿.
So their you have it. My 7 year old self and her graceful ice skating dream of trapping her crush in a frozen lake......🤗
For now
Gemma cheetham x
Basically a DrEaM journal 🖒
For most of my life I've lived some of the best and worst adventures in my dreams.
When I was younger I started to keep a diary of my dreams and as I grew older I started realising that, through the rough times my dreams were VERY vivid.
I'd often wake sweating, screaming, shouting and sometimes even sleepwalking.
Sadly a lot of my dream journals were lost after I moved into my own home and when I had my 1st born, back in 2009, I forgot what sleep was.
My days of keeping a dream log dwindled until my life spiralled out of control again.
I will not bore you all with my past.
Today is a fresh start.
A fresh dream journal.
At the end of the dream I will try my best to analyse it so if you yourself have a similar dream (which I doubt very much that your mind is as messed up as mine) then maybe I can help you figure out what your dream means and find you an escape.
Hence my blog name Dreamscape
Please don't call the loony bin too soon. I'm not as psychotic as some of my dreams may make me seem.
Much love
Gemma cheetham x