Sunday 17 April 2016


*Please Note* dreams will be in italic text and names of people in my dreams have changed so that who I was dreaming about is confidential. Oh and a polite warning, please don't try and copy my dreams for your own.
Get your own dreams!!

"I'm 7 and ice skating on a frozen lake in front my crush. He is stood in the middle of the lake but isn't moving. As I skate upto him he suddenly drops through the ice and the Lake freezes over him.
I bang on the ice to free him but it was no use. He couldn't hear me."

Ok so even though my journals were destroyed, this was my first real memory of my dream as a child.
I wasn't a popular kid in primary school. I was one of those quiet fat kids that all the other kids were scared of incase I ate them.

I remember a lad there that was everyone's boyfriends (well everyone's except myself pfffffft) and this was him, in my dream.

I didn't no it then but after experiencing the same type of dream (Ice-skating) as i got older, I realised for me that ice skating in my dream was a sign of happiness.
In this particular dream though I think that even though I felt happy, gracefully skating around, I was wishing he would notice me and be my friend.
I think him falling into the lake was just wishful thinking for me because if he wasn't mine he wasn't anybodys 👿.

So their you have it. My 7 year old self and her graceful ice skating dream of trapping her crush in a frozen lake......🤗

For now

Gemma cheetham x

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